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Lisa Zimmerman

Lisa Zimmerman


Department of English
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-2033
Ross 1190C
Office Hours
on sabbatical for Spring semester
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
English Department
Campus Box 109
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

Other Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

Contemporary poetry, poetry and diversity, flash fiction, literature and the environment

Publications/Creative Works

For the complete and most up-to-date publication information on Professor Zimmerman's publications, please see 


In Places Without Time Nothing Hurries (Leaping Mountain Press)

Traveling Among the Animals (Pudding House)

How the Garden Looks From Here (Winner of the Violet Reed Haas Poetry Award)

The Light at the Edge of Everything (Anhinga Press)

Snack Size: Poems (Mello Press)

The Hours I Keep (Main Street Rag)


“W󲹳ٱ𱹱,” Gambling the Aisle, March, 2015.


“Nobody Knew My Mother Was a Drunk,” and “Elegy for My Friend Mary,” Apple Valley Review, Fall 2019, online.  

“Saint Clare, I’ll Do Whatever It Takes,” High Plains Register, Fall 2019, print.  

“Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of France and Soldiers,” Mizmor Anthology, Fall 2019 Poetry Edition, print and online, Poetica Publishing.  

“Lament for the Brief Life of Big Dogs,” The CEA Critic, August 2019, print.  

“'Saint Veronica Who is Not Mentioned in the Bible,” “Saint Clare of Assisi: At the Beginning of My New Life,” “On the Way to the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi,” and “Speed of Time and Light” Amethyst Review, August 2019, October 2019, online.  

“Kitchen Meditation,” SWWIM Every day, March 15, 2019, online. 

“Saint Roch”; “Getting Lost as Child on the Feast Day of Saint Bernadette”; Saint Clare and the Death of Saint Francis,” Voice of Eve, Fall 2018, online.  

“Poem for the Early Saint Johns” and “Travels with Saint Francis and Saint Clare,” Chiron Review, December 2018, print.  

“Young Mother Trying to Remember the Image …,” Trampset, May 2018, online. 

“Saint Clare, the Next Day,” Street Light Press, April 2018, online. 

𲹱𲹰Գ,” Sonic Boom, April 2018, online. 

“Poem for Saint John of the Cross,” SWWIM Every Day, December 7, 2017, online. 

“Matins,” 1st Place, Wilda Morris’s September Poetry Challenge, Wildamorris.blogspot.com, September 2017. 

“Regarding a Painting by the Spanish Surrealist Remedios Varo,” Four Ties Literary Review, Summer 2017, online. 

“Neighborhood Dogs,” Alluvia, June 2017, online.  

“What I Might Write to My Mother” and “In Contrast to Common Sense,” Hamilton Stone Review, Spring 2017, online. 

“Four Mournings,” “Seasons Where I Live,” “Airline Security,” and “Everything is Okay in the End,” The Dandelion Review, 2016, online. 

 “There is No Preparation for Sudden,” and “Not About Birds,” Apple Valley Review, Fall 2016, online. 

“Perhaps the Truth Depends,” Florida Review, Fall 2016, print. 

“Perhaps the Truth Depends,” “Watching My Dog Turn Around…” “Early Morning Poem for My Husband,” “Birthday,” “At the End of September,” The CEA Critic, 2016, print.  

“Dreaming the Lost Ones,” Two Cities Review, February 2016, online. 

“I Remember Saying,” Damselfly, January 2016, online.  

“Driving to Denver in January,” Main Street Rag, Summer 2015, print. 

“Poem for Saint Blaise,” Gravel, Spring 2015, online. 

“When I Say…” and “Villanelle for Absence,” Cave Wall, Winter 2014/2015, print. 

“An Abbreviated Tour of Tantrums” and “A Beginning,” Hamilton Stone Review, Winter 2015, online.  

“Four Line Elegy” and “Distracted by Science,” Four Ties Literary Review, Summer 2014, online. 

“Pear Tree at Sunset,” Garden Blessings (anthology), Spring 2014, print. 

Honors and Awards

HSS Diversity in the Classroom Award 2013

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