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How Graduate Tuition and Fees are Used             (Fall 2024/Spring 2025/Summer 2025)

Covers classroom instruction, student services, administration and facilities. 

Student Services Fee
Student services and support are funded by this portion of the Student Fees. Per credit hour charges of $66.46 are assessed for credits enrolled in from 1 through 10.

The services funded include, but are not limited to:

Note: The total fee for 10 credit hours or greater is $664.50 for Student Services Fees.

Student Capital Fee
The Student Capital Fee supports bonded facility debt service and facility operations as well as capital repair and replacement. Per credit hour charges of $54.31 are assessed for credits enrolled in from 1 through 10.
Note: The total fee for 10 credit hours or greater is $543.10 for Capital Fees.

The Student Leadership for Environmental Action Fund (Student LEAF) is intended to move the campus community toward a sustainability-minded culture. This fund finances environmental improvements in campus infrastructure and educational initiatives. Student LEAF is managed by a committee led by students, staff and faculty representation. A student fee of $1 per credit hour up to 10 credit hours each semester (up to $20 per a traditional academic year) sustains the fund. The savings generated from the projects are being reinvested in ways that are directly visible to the student body. To be eligible, projects must seek to improve campus resource efficiency, strengthen the community, and provide practical career experiences for students. For example, a project might be proposed to fund and/or include academic involvement in developing a highly efficient irrigation system.
Note: The total fee for 10 credit hours or greater is $10.00 for LEAF Fee.

Technology Fee
Used for equipping new smart classrooms, staffing and maintaining computer labs, and providing students access to academic software.

Academic Fees
A. Course fees are charged to underwrite in whole or in part the cost of consumable supplies in a laboratory or classroom including the replacement of specialized non-capital (under $5,000) laboratory equipment. These fees are primarily for science, art and theatre.

B. Participation fees are charged for courses where the amount of the fee is passed through to a vendor for the use of specialized facilities or services. This may also cover costs associated with field trips required for the course. Examples include ski passes and archaeology field trips.
C. Program fees augment funding of the delivery of high cost programs (Music, Theatre, and Art in CPVA and the Nursing Program in NHS). Expenses covered include, but are not limited to, supplies, repair and replacement of instruments, equipment.

D. Supervision fees charged to cover the cost of faculty travel and related expenses for supervision of clinical, student teaching and similar courses. These are primarily for Education and Behavioral Sciences practicums and observations, and Nursing clinical courses at off-site locations.

E. Assessment fees are charged to cover the cost of third party tests. The fee is passed through to an external vendor. These are primarily used in applied psychology and special education courses where students are learning to administer and interpret tests as part of their curriculum.

**The student health insurance premium is a pass through by our current insurance provider. Student health insurance is mandatory, for all students registered for 9 or more credit hours, but can be waived by providing proof of comparable insurance before the 10th day of classes every fall semester. If the student health insurance is purchased for the academic year, summer is covered as well.

Graduate Assistantships and Student Fees
For students who are awarded a full-time graduate assistantship, a portion of the Student Activity and LEAF Fees are paid depending on the number of hours enrolled, up to 10 credits. For students who are awarded a part-time graduate assistantship, a portion of the Student Activity and LEAF Fees are paid depending on the number of hours enrolled, up to 5 credits. The Student Capital, Technology, Library and other academic fees are not part of the graduate assistantship and are the responsibility of the student.