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Comprehensive Exam

The ELPS Masters and Education Specialist comprehensive exams are both take-home assessments and should be completed by students during their last semester of course work. The comprehensive exam descriptions and instructions are available under Forms. Students need to complete a permit and results form and submit it to their advisor at least six weeks prior to the due date of the exam. An informational session will be held five weeks before the exams are due to answer student question and students can also contact their advisors with any questions pertaining to the exam.

Due dates for the comprehensive exam are as follows:

  • Spring Semester - First Monday in March
  • Summer Semester - First Monday in June
  • Fall Semester - First Monday in October

Please contact your program advisor for more information regarding the comprehensive exam for your degree. You can also download the instructions for writing your comprehensive exam from the Current Students/Forms page at any time because all comprehensive exams are take-home assessments that students can work on at any time. Please also review the PowerPoint listed under your degree tab for tips on successfully writing your comprehensive exam.