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TASL Logistics for the Residential Session

TASL logistics is your go-to place for all things related to your academic studies in teaching ASL during the summer residential session. There are many things you need to know to be successful during the residential session. TASL logistics is your go-to place for

This page was updated March 6, 2024.

Important Dates

May 28 - June 7

" " Strategies for TASL Success

The orientation is for new students only (required). Instructions will be sent two weeks prior to the start date.

June 10 - June 21

" " Online Classes

June 23

" " Residence Hall Move In

  • The earliest you can move into the residence hall is noon (12:00 pm).

" " Give yourself enough time to adjust to your new time zone/environment.

June 24 - July 12

" " On Campus Classes

  • On campus orientation (for all students) is 8:30 am - 4:30 pm in Harrison Den on June 24, 2024.
    • Classroom locations will be confirmed at the on campus orientation.

  • Typical class hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. 
    • Check your specific cohort schedule for exact times as schedules vary by group.

  • Classes ends on Friday, July 12, 2024. Your cohort specific schedule will indicate the end time.
    • Note: No early releases! Attendance hours are mandatory for all campus classes.

July 12 - 13

" " Residence Hall Check Out

  • You can move out of the residence hall any time after your last class on Friday, July 12, 2024.
  • The latest you can check out of the residence hall is noon on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

July 15 - 19

" " Online Classes

Important People

You will be interacting with various individuals throughout the summer session.

" " You will interact with your course instructors during the online and residential portions of the summer session.

Your instructors are your Point of Contacts for all things courses related (materials, activities, homework, assignment, etc.).

  • TASL 501 and 505 and EDF 500

    TASL 501: First and Second Language
    Acquisition in ASL

    Dr. Micheal Ballard

    TASL 505: Teaching Deaf Community,
    Culture & ASL Literature

    Karen Boyd

    " "EDF 500: Conceptions of Schooling
    Dr. Matthew Spurlin

  • TASL 504 and 506 and EDSE 511

    TASL 504: ASL Curriculum
    Development & Design

    Dr. Kara Gournaris

    TASL 506: Contemporary Professional
    Issues in Teaching ASL

    Katie Moore, ABD

    " "EDSE 511: Content Accessibility for CLD and Students wtih Identified Needs
    Dr. Anna Vick

" " You will interact with department staff during the residential portion of the summer session.

The department staff are your Point of Contacts for all things outside of courses and course concerns that need attention beyond the course instructor. 

  • Department Staff

    Residential Session Point of Contact
    Lance Nozot, Ed.D.

    Headshot of Lance Nozot

    Summer Coordinator Point of Contact
    Karen Boyd, M.A.

    Headshot of Karen Boyd

    Program Concerns Point of Contact
    Barbara Garrett, Ph.D.

    Headshot of Barbara Garrett

Important Documents

Getting ready for the residential session includes getting ready for your courses.

" " Review the TASL Student Handbook.

" " Review draft syllabi sent by instructors about 2 weeks prior to the course. Final syllabi will be in Canvas. 

" " Purchase course materials from the or your favorite retailer. Required materials will be listed on the syllabi. 

" " Bring all course materials with you to the residential session.

" " Daily schedule by cohort.